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These shoutouts are to all the people in my life who actually mean something to me...Or nothing


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  1. Lindsey Fritz-Hey chick!  What's cracking! You're a really good friend and I know...well hope I can always count on you to be there for me...I know we get into a lot of fights...but when we get over it...We look back and say that was really fucking stupid! lol...You always make me laugh...well most of the time!!!! lol... Haha!! Good luck with Mike Jones lol...well I hope we are always friends no matter what! L.Y.L.A.S! MMFWTCL...I'M GREEN! lol
  2. Chris Schirack- Hey! I had fun blocking your locker... and I hope you did too! lol. Our conversations on yahoo are... uhh...'ll just leave it at that lol...I liked you alot!! :D!! lol...I had a lot of fun at the skating rink because of you:D ...I hope you had fun too...This friday with you was even funner! lol...I love you!:D sorry I couldn't go skating friday or saturday...but i swallowed a needle and was in the hospital for 2 days because of Dylan...grr lol...Oh well tho... Thank you for the monkey for Valentines day!! I love it:D...I have something for you...but idk if I wanna give it to you or not... I wish you wouldn't have broke up with me...I still like you and  I will always love you...I just don't want you to forget me b/c I know I never will forget you...Maybe in a while you'll give me another chance...But I doubt it b/c I'm ugly and you were prolly just using me anyways...I cried for like 3 hours b/c you broke up with me...I didn't see that coming...I wish I wouldn't have grown so attached to you...Writing this right now is really hard and I just wanna cry but no one is here to comfort me and hug me...or just hold me...I miss being in your arms and I don't ever wanna move on...but even if I don't get another chance...I will ALWAYS love you no matter what...I just wish it didn't happen like this...I miss all the good times we had together and everything we did and I wish we could have got to do more things but that'll never happen...Well I'm sorry I'm boring and I don't talk but I made an effort to, you just didn't talk back.....Just please don't forget me...I still love you...Forever!....Well maybe not forever...b/c I don't know if I like you anymore...Maybe just a little bit... 
  3. Tina Stevens-Hey I know we really don't talk anymore but we need to start talking! You're a really good friend and a cool person to hang out with! And STOP HITTING ME!! lol j/p L.Y.L.A.S
  4. Kylie Fife- Kylie!  Hey girl! whats up?  I think I wrote about you in a different page.  I can't remember!! lol...And get that bird and balloon poop off your head!  TIKI TIK AHHHH!! lol...Yes I am a single woman now and I can flirt with anyone I want to ...especially you!! (Anyone who reads this, me and Kylie are NOT lesbians or nothing...It's just a joke so don't take it seriously!!) lol...well never change!
  5. Brett Nead- Hey guy! lol...What's're cool so I don't see why Lindsey don't like and Lindsey got to sit in front of you on the bus to the field trip! yay! lol...why did you move!?!!? oh well lol...i hope i see you sometime cuz my mom lives in shelby lol and I might be moving there next year...Or earlier if my stupid dad's girlfriend moves back in....but i don't like you no mores!! b/c you moved... lol so :p j/p your still cool...even tho i don't get to see you
  6. Brett Cole-Hey I hope that what we talked about helped you some...and I hope everything works out for you and that chick in the end. Have fun in Bucyrus...I miss you:D...I hope you come back to Buckeye!
  7. Cody Dull-Are you happy I finally gave you the PIMP RING back? lol I wasn't going to  but everyone that liked you kept bugging me about it so I gave it back to make them shut up lol and I had it long enough...but now...I stole your ugly big blue ring...I don't like that one, so I might give it back lol...well you gave me a headache from pushing me on the floor...haha! That sounds wrong! lol I should kick you...but I'm not that mean lol!...freakin crackhead! lol j/p......yay! i gotted a wear your sweatshirt! lol it smelled good! lol...and KEEP MY PENCILS OUT OF YOUR DAMN PANTS! should go out with Tana...No we will NEVER hang out b/c you're the same as all the other guys...Looking for one thing...A piece of ASS!! grr lol...and b/c Tana likes you 
  8. Dylan Hawley- YAY!! You're finally back to Buckeye!!!Yay lol...Even tho you don't barely talk to me...but yea it's good...haha I get to sit by you in art and english! lol  I tried to give you a BIIGGG hug but you didn't let me :( oh're cool...STOP CALLING ME TRI AND BI AND LESBIAN BECAUSE I'M NOT! GEEZ YOU CAN ONLY CALL KRABS THAT!!!...thanks for putting me in the hospital for 2 days you freaking loser!! lol...It's not my fault I have a big don't make fun of me for it :(
  9. Claudia Bivens- I want my $4 back since you never did what you said you would do...Don't ask me for money ever again either because I won't give it to you! You got pissed off when Toni did it to you so you don't need to be fucking other people over like she did to you!
  10. Tana Snavely- Hey...good luck with and uhh... " I dropped my gum"...Did he miss Tana? lol...He's a fag and you need to forget about him! 
  11. Jared Sherman- Hey what's up! Good luck with Lindsey...You and her make a good couple and she really loves you...Just if you ever hurt her...I think I'll have to kick your ass! lol j/p...Well good luck with your band and Lindsey and stuff...I like your brother alots :D...But he don't like me 
  12. Nathaniel Sherman- Hey you're Jared's brother :D lol...I had a lot of fun talking to you on yahoo and on the phone for 6 hours...till 5:30 in the morning...but you never called me back like you said you would :(( oh well I'm used to being lied to...that's all Chris ever did...I hope you go skating friday so I can meet you...but I'm ugly so I don't think you'd like me..I'll just go sit in my little corner and wait for 10 to come so I can leave...then you'll probably never talk to me again...Oh and don't worry..I don't like Keith and I don't plan to....because I like you :D
  13. Arthur Hawley - Best For Last :D...I love you lol And I'm Not Sexy So Stop Saying I Am!! You Are Sexier Than I Am...But...Yea...I Can't Wait Til My Sister's Graduation Party...I Get A Hug From You!! :D





See!?!?!I told you I didnt have any friends, didn't I?... if I forgot you let  me know so I can add you on here!





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