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~*~In Loving Memory~*~

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My grandpa's funeral was 1 or 2 days before my birthday.  I didn't even cry.  But now I am glad I didn't cry because I know how hard that would have made it for my mom.  She didn't cry either, but I believe she might have if me or my sister did.  But yeah, I miss my grandpa sooooooooooo much!!! I love you and I wish you were here! 
~*~In Loving Memory~*~
Frederick  Leroy Ewing Sr.
February 12, 2004- June 16, 2005.
I love you, Grandpa!
I hope you loved me too!
I wrote my grandpa a poem...but no body laugh cuz I put a lot of hard thinking into's gay but oh well...if you don't like it, don't read it!

This whole page is about my deceased grandpa... I didn't really know him...but I really miss him...A LOT!...He was my mom's dad, and he was an alcoholic.  He died 6 days before my birthday.  I guess that was the best birthday present I ever got....Not really, no one can really say that they're grandfather died and they didn't know him but still miss him...because how can you miss someone if you don't know him? I have so many of his genetic traits.  I wish I just could have talked to him a little more than I did, but he lived so far away.  I know it was only New Washington but still, how often am I in New Washington except for school.  My mom never talked to him  either, but I know she misses him.  I really never cared about him...and then he died and i was like wow...I've never been this depressed.  I know it will be worse when my mom or dad dies...but I don't have to worry about that anytime soon.  Atleast I hope not.  I know he may not be here anymore, but his spirit is. 

This poem is dedicated to my grandpa.
I love you!
~*~In Loving Memory~*~
Over the summer
Something got me sad.
My grandpa died
But still, I didn't cry
I didn't know him too well,
But I hope he's not in Hell
For I want him to be
In a good place...Unlike me
Everyday when he left from the bars
He would look left and right
To make sure there was no cars
Everyday, he would make it home and be tucked in bed tight
He memorized the steps
From the place that he slept
To the bars and back again
Looking both ways for cars
But one day I hear
He's not seeing clear
He's dying in the hospital
Only 60 years old, only 88 pounds
Though it's been 5 months,
I still remember the day
As though it was just yesterday
But he never knew who I was
But I remember him
As he lay down so thin
He lay in the casket
Like a sandwich, in a basket
I remember the day
For it was near
A special day
My thirteenth birthday
By:     Melissa Morrow


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